Things you will need:
- · Old sock (I I like tube socks so they can both play together)
- · Empty 16oz. bottle
- · Extra--Little non-toxic item that if they eat, will not hurt them. (i.e. popcorn seeds, vitamin e, fish oil pills)
Then I like to add popcorn seeds, or some vitamin e, or fish oil pills into the bottle to make the "rattle noise" that get their attention. Put the top back on with lots of air inside. Get the lid on nice and tight.
Slip the bottle into the sock:
Then slip it all to the bottom:
Tie a knot at the end:
Ready to play!!
It looks something like this:
Once they have worn out the sock so much that the bottle is showing, or they are chewing on bottle, we re-cycle the bottle and throw the sock away. Then we make a new one. It is one way not to have a stinky toy around the house.